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国和集团是由留美、留日博士创办的高新技术企业,致力于新型环保材料、医药化妆品原料等高技术领域产品的研发和生产,是集科、工、贸于一体的高科技企业。 集团总部位于成都市龙泉经济技术开发区,地理优势得天独厚,距成都双流国际机场28公里,成渝铁路穿境而过,成昆铁路绕境而行,以老成渝路、成龙路、成洛路为骨干的交通网络覆盖全境。 集团拥有一批新型高科技环保材料、医药化妆品原料行业的资深专家,并与美国Texas A&M University工学部、日本国立金纱笱ЧぱР康冉立了良好的协作关系,研发水平达到了国际。该公司以环境友好型复合包装材料创新研发为主导发展方向,以绿色节能新材料系列产品的产业化为中心,以具有自主知识产权的醇溶性油墨树脂、醇溶性纸印刷上光油、醇溶性木器上光漆、醇溶性金属保护涂料、醇溶性毛发着色剂等节能环保系列产品为支撑,为新型高科技环保材料的研发提供了重要的工作基础;同时公司积极开展多渠道、多形式的国内外合作和资本运作,使公司在技术和资金方面具有良好的外部支撑条件。公司拥有600平方米的实验室以及先进的油墨、树脂和复合胶结构与性能研究、合成工艺研究的仪器和设备。另外还与四川大学化工学院、复旦大学高分子科学系、四川大学精细化工研究所建立了合作关系,以多种形式共同承担硕士博士人才培养、共享实验室设备条件、共同承担课题研究。 集团高度重视新时代企业发展所必须的内涵积累,坚持以“和”为集团文化的精髓,任人惟贤,为客户创造利润,为公司创造价值,为员工创造机会,与合作伙伴携手共进。 Guohe Group is a high-tech enterprise established by doctors who ever studied in America and Japan.It has been engaging in the development and production of high-tech products such as new environmental materials and raw materials of medicines and cosmetics. Its headquarters is located in Longquan Economic and Technology Development Zone and owns a unique geographic advantage. It is 28 km form Chengdu Shuangliu International Airport. Chengdu-Chongqing Railway goes through the zone and Chengdu-Kunming Railway go around the zone.With the old Chengdu-Chongqing Road,Chengdu-Longquan Road and Chengdu-Luodai Road as its backbone,the transportation network covers the whole zone.The group owns a batch of senior experts in the industry of new high-teche environmental materials and raw materials of medicines and cosmetics and has established a cooperation relationship with the Engineering Department of the U.S. texas A&M University and japan Kanazawa University .The research and development strength of the group is top in the world .In addition, the group has established the cooperation relationship with the Chemical Engineering Department and the Fine Chemical Engineering Institute of Sichuan University and the Macromolecule Science Department of Shanghai Fudan University. And in many ways ,the group undertakes the cultivating of masters and doctors,shares the equipment and carries out the researches to the projects together with those universtiyes.From 2008 to 2010,with the group as its base,the “Sichuan Green and Energy-saving Material Engineering Technology Research Center” will be established to realize the oprimization and share to scientific and technological resources between the group and domestic and international assistant enterprises. The group attaches importance to the accumulation of connotation necessary for the development of modern enterprises and sticks to “harmony” as the essence of the enterprise’s culture.The group always hires talents,makes profits for custiomers,createsvalue for other enterprises,leaves employees with opportunities and progresses with cooperation partners hand in hand
企业名称: 四川新材料有限公司 企业类型: 企业单位 (制造商)
所 在 地: 四川/成都 企业规模:
注册资本: 未填写 注册年份: 2000
保 证 金: 已缴纳 0.00
企业模式: 制造商
所属范围: 醇溶性油墨树脂,
销售的产品: 醇溶性油墨树脂,